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English: Civil Rights Movement

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Noodlebib Mini Guide

Noodlebib is a web-based tool that helps you cite information sources in MLA or APA style, take notes, outline, and organize your research. Getting started
See our Noodlebib Guide for more information.  

Export Sources to Create a Works Cited Page
  • From the Sources screen, select Print/Export
  • Select Formatting Options to set your header (your last name). 
  • Select Export as a Word Doc (or Google Docs).
  • Locate the downloaded file in your browser and open in a Word, Pages, or other program.  
  • Add the works cited to the last page of your paper or save as a stand-alone document.
Export Information in Notecards to Word
  • From the Notecard screen, confirm that all notecards have been moved into your outline in the desired order. 
  • Select Print > Outline with Notecards
  • Select Export to Word or Google Docs
  • Deselect all checkboxes EXCEPT for Quotation, Paraphrase, and My Ideas
  • Select submit and follow the prompts from your browser to open download in Word/Google docs.
  • See the document below for more detailed instructions. 

Featured Books

Tips for Searching the AccessIt Library Catalog

  • Search the Destiny catalog for names of specific people, groups and events.
  • View the Civil Rights resource list (also access it on the left side bar in the Destiny).
  • Consult the print resources on the cart reserved for the project (books should be returned to the cart in the back of the computer lab for the duration of the project).

The March on Washington

March on Washington
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., third from left, marches in a line of men with arms linked during the March on Washington for civil rights on Aug. 28, 1963. Associated Press. Civil Rights March. 1963. Web. 16 Oct. 2014.

Literary/Author Reference


Salem Onine

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Suzy Liljestrand
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